We can meet your individual window replacement needs!
Aluminium to Aluminium.
Installing new energy efficient double-glazing in existing aluminium window frames that once held single-pane glass.
These adjustments are subtle and preserve the original look of your windows, resulting in a finished product that stays true to the authenticity of your home's existing windows.
This is the most cost effective option due to no finishing work and leaving the existing window frame.
Wood to Aluminium
Provide an affordable solution by replacing old timber windows with new aluminium joinery inserts, sympathetic to the original character of your home as you are able to keep your existing sills and reveals.
Insert windows are a flexible system that doesn't compromise the traditional style of your home while still offering you the option to change some of your window layouts if required.
This is our most cost effective option for changing wooden windows to aluminium joinery without losing your wooden look.
When swapping wood for aluminium we cannot replace just the glass unit (retrofit), so inserts are the next best option.
Full Replacements
Wood or Aluminium to Aluminium.
Enhance your home with a full glass and aluminium framing replacement. Opt for double-glazed windows and new frames, along with all-new sills and reveals. This will complete your fresh look and revitalize your space!
Full replacement is the best option for the highest thermal performance with complete design flexibility, as you can completely change the configuration of your windows.
If you currently have steel windows, we’re pleased to present this option as the best replacement available!
It's important to keep in mind that if you love the look of your traditional timber wooden sills, a full replacement will mean swapping these out!
This option is the most comprehensive and does require additional effort, but it ultimately delivers the highest quality results and reduces maintenance in the long run.
Personal preference
Once the condition of your joinery has been assessed, and confirmed to be suitable for retrofitting with double glazing or insert windows, then it comes down to personal preference.
Some questions to consider are:
Would you like to maintain the character of your home by keeping your existing joinery?
Or update it for a more modern look?
This particularly applies to homes where the windows are a key part of the aesthetic appeal.
Are your window frames needing significant repair or refurbishment?
Is this a concern to you or has it been identified by a builder?
When can help you address these issues or put you onto someone who can.
Is budget a determining factor in your decision?
Your free home measure is a time for us to appraise your windows and doors and discuss the possibilities and any considerations unique to your home.
This will help us find the ideal energy-efficient options for your home. This is also a time to have your questions answered.